Texas Supreme Court opinion changes birth injury standard of proof

As published in "The Houston Lawyer" magazine

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Chiari malformation and hydrocephalus, management and medical malpractice

Prompt diagnosis and treatment are key to patient safety

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Who is responsible for my baby’s birth injury?

Painter Law Firm's frequently asked question (FAQ) series

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New Texas law changes requirements for billing record affidavits, will place some plaintiffs at risk

Tort reform lobbyists succeeded in passing aggressive new deadlines for medical malpractice plaintiffs seeking an award of damages for past medical bills

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Waco ER doctor doesn't order head CT scan, two days later young patient has permanent brain injury

When a patient had a headache and vomiting, the standard of care requires an emergency physician to order a head CT or MRI scan

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Federal report: Patient dies in Houston hospital ER because of lab communication breakdown

Hospitals must have policies in place to ensure that critical lab values and radiology findings are promptly communicated

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Texas Supreme Court opinion will help medical malpractice plaintiffs prove foreseeability

Texas law requires plaintiffs to prove that it was foreseeable that substandard medical care could cause patient injury

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Federal report: MD Anderson Cancer Center patient dies after tainted blood transfusion

Texas Tort Claims Act removes significant legal accountability from public hospitals, like MD Anderson

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How can I file a Texas medical malpractice suit for my child?

Painter Law Firm's frequently asked question (FAQ) series

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Three ways you can improve your prescription drug safety

Asking questions gets you key information about medication purposes and risks.

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