Robert Painter

Robert Painter

1470 Posts

Robert Painter is an award-winning medical malpractice attorney at Painter Law Firm Medical Malpractice Attorneys in Houston, Texas. He is a former hospital administrator who represents patients and family members in medical negligence and wrongful death lawsuits all over Texas. Contact him for a free consultation and strategy session by calling 281-580-8800 or emailing him right now.

Fetal intrauterine growth restriction diagnosis, treatment, and medical malpractice

Fetal intrauterine growth restriction diagnosis, treatment, and medical malpractice

Medical therapy, early delivery are often needed for this serious pre-birth condition

Aortic dissection signs, symptoms, and medical malpractice

Aortic dissection signs, symptoms, and medical malpractice

A tear or dissection of the aorta is a medical emergency

Lawsuit: Texas optometrist misdiagnoses torn retina

Lawsuit: Texas optometrist misdiagnoses torn retina

Flashes and floaters in vision are signs of a potential medical emergency

Fungal meningitis medical malpractice

Fungal meningitis medical malpractice

A meningitis infection can be caused by viral, bacterial or fungal sources

A "Dr." by any other name: New state law bans health care providers from using deceptive and misleading advertising

New Indiana law bans health care providers from using deceptive or misleading advertising that misrepresents their education, background, and skills

What you should know about pharmacy and medication errors

What you should know about pharmacy and medication errors

Drug errors account for up to 9,000 deaths annually in the United States

When a known complication happens, it doesn't mean there wasn't also medical negligence

When a known complication happens, it doesn't mean there wasn't also medical negligence

Surgeons, physicians, and nurses must take precautions to guard against known complications and risks

Is it admissible in court when a doctor stops doing a procedure after committing medical negligence?

Is it admissible in court when a doctor stops doing a procedure after committing medical negligence?

How the doctrine of subsequent remedial measures applies in Texas medical malpractice cases

Hyponatremia, managing sodium levels, and medical malpractice

Hyponatremia, managing sodium levels, and medical malpractice

It is dangerous to correct a low sodium level too quickly

The importance of sleep and sleep disorders in life and medical malpractice

The importance of sleep and sleep disorders in life and medical malpractice

Obstructive sleep apnea places patients at an increased risk of anesthesia-related complications