Robert Painter

Robert Painter

1470 Posts

Robert Painter is an award-winning medical malpractice attorney at Painter Law Firm Medical Malpractice Attorneys in Houston, Texas. He is a former hospital administrator who represents patients and family members in medical negligence and wrongful death lawsuits all over Texas. Contact him for a free consultation and strategy session by calling 281-580-8800 or emailing him right now.

Accrediting agency encourages patients to "Speak Up for Safe Surgery"

Accrediting agency encourages patients to "Speak Up for Safe Surgery"

The Joint Commission seeks to involve patients in improving their own surgical safety

What you can learn from medical record audit trails

What you can learn from medical record audit trails

Audit trails should be programmed and preserved to promote transparency

COVID-19 poses new challenges in bedsore prevention

COVID-19 poses new challenges in bedsore prevention

Evolving standard of care requires physicians, nurses to take new measures to avoid pressure injuries

Questions you should expect when filing a Texas medical malpractice case

Questions you should expect when filing a Texas medical malpractice case

Medical, mental health, and earnings questions are common

The corporate practice of medicine doctrine and Texas medical malpractice cases

The corporate practice of medicine doctrine and Texas medical malpractice cases

A pro-consumer law had morphed into a shield that protects hospitals from liability

10-year study reveals most common causes of surgical medical malpractice

10-year study reveals most common causes of surgical medical malpractice

Surgery tops the list of all medical malpractice claims

Experience teaches how to avoid common medical malpractice mistakes

Experience teaches how to avoid common medical malpractice mistakes

These red flags will help you avoid potential dangers to patient safety

Texas Open Courts Doctrine allows retained sponge medical malpractice suits to be filed after statute of limitations

Texas Open Courts Doctrine allows retained sponge medical malpractice suits to be filed after statute of limitations

The Texas Supreme Court has held that this unique doctrine can defeat the 2-year statute of limitations

Hyperparathyroid disease signs, symptoms, and medical malpractice

Hyperparathyroid disease signs, symptoms, and medical malpractice

Experts describe it as a slow killer, but timely treatment can avoid a snowball effect on health

A broken bone unrelated to trauma is the number one risk factor for another fracture

A broken bone unrelated to trauma is the number one risk factor for another fracture

Surgeons and doctors should order follow up testing and treatment, but allow many patients to fall through the cracks