Robert Painter

Robert Painter

1470 Posts

Robert Painter is an award-winning medical malpractice attorney at Painter Law Firm Medical Malpractice Attorneys in Houston, Texas. He is a former hospital administrator who represents patients and family members in medical negligence and wrongful death lawsuits all over Texas. Contact him for a free consultation and strategy session by calling 281-580-8800 or emailing him right now.

Pediatric intensive care unit medical malpractice

Pediatric intensive care unit medical malpractice

PICU care generally requires continuous monitoring by registered nurses and immediate physician notification where there's a negative change

Medication error temporarily paralyzes Houston patient, causes brain injury

Medication error temporarily paralyzes Houston patient, causes brain injury

A student nurse administered a paralyzing medication instead of a sedative by mistake

Hospital administration, nursing supervisor negligence can cause patient injuries

Hospital administration, nursing supervisor negligence can cause patient injuries

Texas law requires support of an expert witness for these health care liability claims to proceed

Are hospitals responsible for the medical malpractice of doctors under Texas law?

Are hospitals responsible for the medical malpractice of doctors under Texas law?

Texas law treats physicians, nurses, and other healthcare providers differently

Subdural hematoma misdiagnosis in ER leads to aneurysm, brain injury

Subdural hematoma misdiagnosis in ER leads to aneurysm, brain injury

Doctor, physician's assistant, nurse practitioner, and registering nurse negligence contribute to tragic outcome

Never events, wrong-side surgery, and medical malpractice

Never events, wrong-side surgery, and medical malpractice

Sentinel events occur more often than many healthcare providers would care to admit

The tort reform discovery stay can delay Texas medical malpractice cases

The tort reform discovery stay can delay Texas medical malpractice cases

Defense delay tactics include making frivolous objections to expert reports while enforcing a discovery stay

This simple bedside test can help diagnose sepsis

This simple bedside test can help diagnose sepsis

Point-of-care lactate testing is an effective screening tool for patients suspected of having sepsis

Sodium, porphyria, and medical malpractice

Sodium, porphyria, and medical malpractice

After multiple physician appointments, an ER doctor made the right diagnosis

Texas ambulance and emergency medical technician (EMT) roles and medical malpractice

Texas ambulance and emergency medical technician (EMT) roles and medical malpractice

EMT decisions and comments can set emergency treatment on the right or wrong course