Medical Malpractice


Dallas court of appeals defines when a hospital or doctor's duty to disclose malpractice ends

There's an important difference between the two types of fraudulent concealment

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Nurses need to speak up when it's too early to discharge a patient safely

Nurses are highly-trained health care providers who owe a duty to their patients to exercise independent judgment and advocacy

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Study uncovers the most common diagnostic errors by radiologists

Radiology errors frequently cause diagnosis and treatment delays, and tragic patient outcomes

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Bariatric weight loss surgery can cause permanent nerve, brain injuries

Nerve damage, malnutrition can lead to serious neurological injuries

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Doctor prescribes wrong dose of ADHD drug, causes death of grade-school child

It's dangerous for patients when physicians don't read or follow drug maker dosage guidelines

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The risks and dangers of low potassium level hypokalemia

Undiagnosed, untreated hypokalemia can lead to respiratory & heart problems, & even death

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Medical malpractice at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston

Physician, nursing, and other medical mistakes occur even at well-known hospitals

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What legal documents should I have in place before going to the hospital or having a surgery?

Painter Law Firm's frequently asked question (FAQ) series

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Brain swelling, increased pressure can cause deadly brain herniation

People who've had recent head trauma or brain surgery have a higher risk

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A little-known Texas law gives some medical malpractice victims only 6 months to give notice of their claims

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