Medical Malpractice


What does patient noncompliance mean?

Painter Law Firm's frequently asked question (FAQ) series

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Radiologist and doctors didn't inform patient about suspicious bladder mass, leading to extensive cancer, $8+ million jury verdict

Radiologists and ordering physicians are required to make appropriate communications about critical and abnormal findings

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Dallas court of appeals upholds plaintiff's jury verdict in medical malpractice lawsuit filed after two-year statute of limitations

When there's a retained foreign body after surgery, the Open Courts provision of the Texas Constitution may be helpful to plaintiffs

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Why the pre-anesthesia assessment is important for patient safety

Anesthesia providers must plan ahead to minimize general anesthesia risks

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Should I get a copy of my medical records before I leave a Texas hospital, if I think there was medical malpractice?

Painter Law Firm's frequently asked question (FAQ) series

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Intubation, esophageal intubation, and breathing tube/airway medical malpractice

The standard of care requires physicians and nurse anesthetists to follow safety rules when performing every intubation

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Retinal detachment symptoms, risks, and medical malpractice

Retinal detachment is an emergency condition that can cause blindness without prompt medical attention

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New Texas law restores common sense, will benefit some medical medical malpractice victims

Law reduces the circumstances when the burdensome "willful and wanton negligence" standard applies

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Failure to diagnose and control childbirth-related bleeding can cause Sheehan's syndrome

Bleeding-related pregnancy complications are on the rise in Texas and the United States as a whole

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How can liens impact a Texas medical malpractice settlement?

Painter Law Firm's frequently asked question (FAQ) series

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