Hospital cost saving efforts can lead to early extubation, medical malpractice
Removing a breathing tube too quickly can lead to brain injury or death
Removing a breathing tube too quickly can lead to brain injury or death
Wisconsin hospital fired all anesthesiologist physicians and replaced them with less trained, cheaper CRNAs
Certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) surrendered license after patient became unresponsive shortly after CRNA administered multiple anesthetic drugs
Timing is an important consideration for removing an endotracheal/breathing tube
Anesthesia providers are required to assess and plan for each patient's airway before surgery
The Joint Commission seeks to involve patients in improving their own surgical safety
Nurse anesthetists provide anesthesia care but aren't physicians
Do you expect an anesthesiologist to be in the operating or procedure room while you're under general anesthesia?
At this early threshold, there are strict limitations on evidence (even though defendants don't like it)
Obstructive sleep apnea is a dangerous, often undiagnosed medical condition
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