Three steps that you can take to reduce your anesthesia risk
Safe anesthesia care requires proper planning by an anesthesiologist
Safe anesthesia care requires proper planning by an anesthesiologist
Anesthesia providers must plan ahead to minimize general anesthesia risks
A simple, inexpensive test can identify cardiovascular risks that could make surgery dangerous
Texas Appellate court trend favors medical malpractice plaintiffs in expert report challenges
Cauda equina syndrome and anesthesia complications are different, but both are medical emergencies
Planning ahead and asking the right questions may improve your odds of surviving general anesthesia
Registered nurses with additional anesthesia training are lobbying for more authority to handle complex anesthesia cases independently
Learn the life-threatening mistakes made by some anesthesiologists and certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs)
Medical journal article reports that changing operating room medication labels can prevent mix-ups
Many physician offices and clinics have fewer resources to deal with anesthesia emergencies than hospitals
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