Premature discharge from hospital leads to pregnant woman's death from placental abruption
Lawsuit alleges that nursing advocacy could have avoided transfer of unstable patient
Lawsuit alleges that nursing advocacy could have avoided transfer of unstable patient
45-minute delay in proper response to respiratory crisis
Twin was born with brain injury after mom in high-risk pregnancy waited four hours at hospital for a C-section delivery
Medical studies find that a good discharge time is 48 hours after birth
When there's fetal distress, it's time for an emergency delivery
Nurses and doctors must into action when there's uterine tachysystole
Neonatologists are responsible for caring for hospitalized critically-ill babies during their 28 days of life
Communication errors create danger by allowing critical lab values, radiology results to fall through the cracks
Painter Law Firm's frequently asked question (FAQ) series
If the baby's head is too big to fit through the birth canal during labor and delivery, it requires prompt medical attention
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