111 Posts

Babies birth labor delivery fetal

Spina bifida prenatal testing, delivery, and medical malpractice

Spina bifida prenatal testing, delivery, and medical malpractice

Spina bifida is detectable by ultrasound and prenatal testing

What every expecting parent should know about electronic fetal monitoring

What every expecting parent should know about electronic fetal monitoring

Electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) provides lots of information that can be used to decide if an emergency delivery is needed

Newborn strokes, cerebral palsy, and medical malpractice

Newborn strokes, cerebral palsy, and medical malpractice

Strokes at or around the time birth can cause brain damage or cerebral palsy

Therapeutic hypothermia cooling therapy may hide newborn brain injuries

Therapeutic hypothermia cooling therapy may hide newborn brain injuries

This standard treatment can reduce the degree of brain damage caused that low oxygen causes in infants, but can also obscure permanent injuries

What do newborn Apgar scores mean when it comes to cerebral palsy and brain or birth injury?

What do newborn Apgar scores mean when it comes to cerebral palsy and brain or birth injury?

Apgar scores are assessed and documented for newborns at 1-minute and 5-minutes after birth

What you should know about meconium, meconium aspiration syndrome & medical malpractice

What you should know about meconium, meconium aspiration syndrome & medical malpractice

Meconium can be a sign of fetal distress if it passes birth or during delivery

New Texas law restores common sense, will benefit some medical medical malpractice victims

New Texas law restores common sense, will benefit some medical medical malpractice victims

Law reduces the circumstances when the burdensome "willful and wanton negligence" standard applies

Failure to diagnose and control childbirth-related bleeding can cause Sheehan's syndrome

Failure to diagnose and control childbirth-related bleeding can cause Sheehan's syndrome

Bleeding-related pregnancy complications are on the rise in Texas and the United States as a whole

Poor nursing communication tied to death of mother hours after delivery of her baby

Poor nursing communication tied to death of mother hours after delivery of her baby

A jury awarded $6 million to this mom's survivors because of a nurse's delay in telling doctors about her problems breathing

Hypothermia therapy is a time-sensitive treatment for babies with an HIE birth-related brain injury

Hypothermia therapy is a time-sensitive treatment for babies with an HIE birth-related brain injury

Hypothermia therapy may minimize the impact of a hypoxic-ischemic insult on a baby's brain