111 Posts

Babies birth labor delivery fetal

Spina bifida diagnosis, pre-birth surgical treatment, and medical malpractice

Spina bifida diagnosis, pre-birth surgical treatment, and medical malpractice

Spina bifida is the most common permanently-disabling birth defect

Texas Supreme Court opinion changes birth injury standard of proof

Texas Supreme Court opinion changes birth injury standard of proof

As published in "The Houston Lawyer" magazine

Who is responsible for my baby's birth injury?

Who is responsible for my baby's birth injury?

Painter Law Firm's frequently asked question (FAQ) series

How can I file a Texas medical malpractice suit for my child?

How can I file a Texas medical malpractice suit for my child?

Painter Law Firm's frequently asked question (FAQ) series

Unnecessary episiotomy medical malpractice in Texas

Unnecessary episiotomy medical malpractice in Texas

When an OB/GYN performs an unneeded episiotomy cut during labor and delivery, it can cause big problems for the woman

Compare birth-related complication rates of 18 Houston hospitals

Compare birth-related complication rates of 18 Houston hospitals

I bet you won't find this information available on hospital websites

Preeclampsia and HELLP Syndrome: Pregnancy complications you should know about

Preeclampsia and HELLP Syndrome: Pregnancy complications you should know about

These potentially life-threatening conditions should be identified and treated during good prenatal care

What you should know about the rising rate of pregnancy-related deaths of mothers

What you should know about the rising rate of pregnancy-related deaths of mothers

Most maternal pregnancy deaths are avoidable

Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE): What is it and can it be avoided?

Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE): What is it and can it be avoided?

HIE is a devastating birth brain injury that is sometimes caused by prenatal or labor and delivery medical malpractice

Texas Supreme Court gives more bad news for birth-injured babies and their families

Texas Supreme Court gives more bad news for birth-injured babies and their families

Willful and wanton negligence standard applies to labor and delivery emergency care