1420 Posts

Medical malpractice

Texas Medical Board suspends Dallas anesthesiologist for allegedly tampering with IV bags

Texas Medical Board suspends Dallas anesthesiologist for allegedly tampering with IV bags

Patient complications and death are linked to alleged criminal activity

Hospital falls increased by this percentage in one year

Hospital falls increased by this percentage in one year

Every patient deserves an individualized fall risk evaluation

Texas man dies in hospital of NSTEMI heart attack, cardiac cath scheduled for next day

Texas man dies in hospital of NSTEMI heart attack, cardiac cath scheduled for next day

Nursing staff didn't keep cardiologist in the loop of patient's downturn

The little-known time period in emergency rooms that's particularly risky for some patients

The little-known time period in emergency rooms that's particularly risky for some patients

Transitions in care provide opportunities to drop the ball

What's the Texas statute of limitations for medical malpractice claims?

What's the Texas statute of limitations for medical malpractice claims?

Time is of the essence to preserve a medical negligence claim

Are hospital and nursing home bedsores and pressure injuries avoidable?

Are hospital and nursing home bedsores and pressure injuries avoidable?

Experts contend that the best treatment is prevention

When you should consider getting a medical or surgical second opinion

When you should consider getting a medical or surgical second opinion

High-pressure tactics should raise a red flag

Patient dies from nursing home fall despite documented high risk

Patient dies from nursing home fall despite documented high risk

Physician and nursing care should be patient-led rather than clicking boxes on a screen

How patients can overcome healthcare bias

How patients can overcome healthcare bias

Like everyone else, physicians, nurses, and other providers can be misguided by implicit biases

Man in 30s sent home from ER by nurse practitioner, dies of pulmonary embolism

Man in 30s sent home from ER by nurse practitioner, dies of pulmonary embolism

Pulmonary embolism blocks a blood vessel to one or both lungs