1420 Posts

Medical malpractice

Patient dies under CRNA care, Texas court rejects expert report from anesthesiologist

Patient dies under CRNA care, Texas court rejects expert report from anesthesiologist

Appellate court ruled that physician anesthesiologist didn't link criticisms to medical record facts

What happens in the operating room after a patient is put to sleep?

What happens in the operating room after a patient is put to sleep?

The individuals handling anesthesia or performing surgery might surprise you

What medical care can physician assistants provide in Texas?

What medical care can physician assistants provide in Texas?

Texas doesn't allow physician assistants to have a totally independent scope of practice

What medical care can nurse practitioners provide in Texas?

What medical care can nurse practitioners provide in Texas?

Texas doesn't allow nurse practitioners to have a totally independent scope of practice

U.S. government joins civil lawsuit over hospital and surgeon's operating room safety issues

U.S. government joins civil lawsuit over hospital and surgeon's operating room safety issues

False Claims Act lawsuit alleges pattern of major patient safety breaches

Texas hospital trauma centers drop the ball on neck CT scans, other imaging

Texas hospital trauma centers drop the ball on neck CT scans, other imaging

Delayed diagnosis and treatment of neck injuries can lead to permanent paralysis

Emergency room physicians, nurses are responsible for patient care until discharge or admission

Emergency room physicians, nurses are responsible for patient care until discharge or admission

Some patients are ignored while waiting for admission or get lost in the shuffle

How social media can matter in a medical malpractice case

How social media can matter in a medical malpractice case

Realtime social media engagement by health care professionals by patient care is discoverable

Houston court of appeals allows extension of medical malpractice expert deadline because of COVID pandemic

Houston court of appeals allows extension of medical malpractice expert deadline because of COVID pandemic

Preliminary medical malpractice expert report deadlines are normally inflexibly rigid under Texas tort reform laws

What you should know about HIPAA in the age of COVID and beyond

What you should know about HIPAA in the age of COVID and beyond

The federal health care privacy law has a narrower application than many think