1413 Posts

Medical malpractice

Fever during labor and delivery as a cause of brain injury

Fever during labor and delivery as a cause of brain injury

Maternal fever can cause hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy birth injury

The importance of preoperative medical evaluation: Lessons from medical malpractice cases

The importance of preoperative medical evaluation: Lessons from medical malpractice cases

Recent study calls into question value of medical clearance

Sickle cell disease: Diagnosis, treatment, and medical malpractice

Sickle cell disease: Diagnosis, treatment, and medical malpractice

Sickle cell patients are sometimes misdiagnosed, accused of seeking pain meds

Understanding advanced practice nurses and their scope of practice and accountability in Texas

Understanding advanced practice nurses and their scope of practice and accountability in Texas

Medical malpractice claims against nurse practitioners are on the rise

Medical malpractice in foot and ankle surgery: Comparing podiatrists and orthopedic surgeons

Medical malpractice in foot and ankle surgery: Comparing podiatrists and orthopedic surgeons

Minimizing medical negligence risk is a key to patient safety

Hospitals are responsible for poor communication of critical values by their labs

Hospitals are responsible for poor communication of critical values by their labs

Critical lab values may reveal a life-threatening condition

Could AI help prevent hyponatremia sodium complications after surgery?

Could AI help prevent hyponatremia sodium complications after surgery?

SIADH and hyponatremia are known post-surgical complications, but are often mismanaged

Texas Supreme Court reviewing medical malpractice statute of limitations

Texas Supreme Court reviewing medical malpractice statute of limitations

Lower courts have applied tolling provision inconsistently

Mom dies after childbirth, hospital under investigation

Mom dies after childbirth, hospital under investigation

What you should know about maternal mortality

Obstetric anesthesia pain relief and medical malpractice

Obstetric anesthesia pain relief and medical malpractice

Anesthesiologists and nurses anesthetists provide labor and deliver anesthesia care