Houston's St. Joseph Medical Center: Will capital investment improve quality of care and patient safety?
Hospital received 48 Medicare quality of care violations in six-year period
Hospital received 48 Medicare quality of care violations in six-year period
Physician assistant erroneously cleared patient's c-spine two minutes after arrival in hospital
Patient information has an important role in the diagnostic and treatment process
The key is whether the claim touches on health care
Getting past the initial expert stage opens up discovery tools necessary to prove the case
This condition can be caused by a hypoxic-ischemic brain injury during labor and delivery
Formerly known as Conroe Regional Hospital, this hospital got the worst possible star ranking by the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Most OR fires include oxygen and either electrocautery or lasers
Nursing, physician, pharmacy medication errors can cause patient harm
Clinical alarms are only helpful when hospital staff members pay attention to them
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