The role of cord blood gas studies in proving birth-related brain injuries
Cord blood gas samples are collected after the umbilical cord is clamped at delivery
Cord blood gas samples are collected after the umbilical cord is clamped at delivery
When doctors are patients and are injured by medical mistakes, it makes it easier to understand the broad scope of medical malpractice
Acute abdominal pain requires careful medical attention and a differential diagnosis
Good nurses are the backbone of safe hospital care
Nursing staff is required to assess each patient's fall risk upon admission
Not all arrangements are criminal
The 75-day tolling provision is probably the most appealed issue in current medical malpractice cases
Texas has the fourth highest rate of cesarean sections in America
Life care plans are an important tool in many cases with significant lifelong injuries
It's wise to consult a medical malpractice lawyer any time a potential claim involves healthcare
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