Substantial settlement in Texas brain injury medical malpractice case will take care of patient's future care needs
Painter Law Firm secured a settlement of $3,500,000 for our clients
Painter Law Firm secured a settlement of $3,500,000 for our clients
Service of citation notifies a defendant of the lawsuit's existence and the key answer deadline
At this early threshold, there are strict limitations on evidence (even though defendants don't like it)
Obstructive sleep apnea is a dangerous, often undiagnosed medical condition
Contrary to popular belief, it doesn't always apply
Memorandum opinion chips away at the tort reform discovery stay
Remote deposition technology has come a long way, but there are still some risks to consider
Retained surgical items are sentinel or never events, but they still happen regularly
Texas nursing homes are consistently ranked as less safe than those in any other state
Free consultation. No fees until we win.