1420 Posts

Medical malpractice

Feds slap Houston Methodist Willowbrook Hospital with citation after nurse fails to give patient medication

Feds slap Houston Methodist Willowbrook Hospital with citation after nurse fails to give patient medication

When nurses don't communicate with physicians who order prescription drugs, it can compromise patient safety

Pneumonia signs, symptoms, diagnosis, and medical malpractice

Pneumonia signs, symptoms, diagnosis, and medical malpractice

Pneumonia is a dangerous lung infection that is commonly misdiagnosed

Research shows that surgery centers aren't as safe as hospital operating rooms

Research shows that surgery centers aren't as safe as hospital operating rooms

More surgeries are now performed at ambulatory surgery centers than hospitals

What does it take to file a medical malpractice case in Texas?

What does it take to file a medical malpractice case in Texas?

A successful medical malpractice claim requires more evidence than just a mistake

Cephalopelvic disproportion diagnosis, treatment, and medical malpractice

Cephalopelvic disproportion diagnosis, treatment, and medical malpractice

If the baby's head is too big to fit through the birth canal during labor and delivery, it requires prompt medical attention

Breast augmentation surgery anesthesia issues leave 18-year-old semi-comatose

Breast augmentation surgery anesthesia issues leave 18-year-old semi-comatose

There are two common factors in cases like this

Texas Supreme Court order reins in medical malpractice discovery stays

Texas Supreme Court order reins in medical malpractice discovery stays

The court ruled that medical malpractice plaintiffs don't have to serve expert reports on non-party treaters in order to depose them in a pending lawsuit

Necrosis is a dangerous potential complication of plastic or cosmetic surgery, and there's limited time to address it

Necrosis is a dangerous potential complication of plastic or cosmetic surgery, and there's limited time to address it

Tissue death occurs when there's not an adequate blood supply to a body party

STEMI heart attack signs, symptoms, treatment, and medical malpractice

STEMI heart attack signs, symptoms, treatment, and medical malpractice

STEMI heart attacks are so dangerous that hospitals are only allowed 90 minutes from the first encounter to get patients treated in a cardiac cath lab

How do you select the defendants to sue in a Texas medical malpractice case?

How do you select the defendants to sue in a Texas medical malpractice case?

Painter Law Firm's frequently asked question (FAQ) series