647 Posts

Patient safety

Lumbar punctures, spinal taps, and medical malpractice

Lumbar punctures, spinal taps, and medical malpractice

Procedure allows sampling cerebrospinal fluid for laboratory diagnosis of serious conditions

Ophthalmology, eyes diseases, and medical malpractice

Ophthalmology, eyes diseases, and medical malpractice

Ophthalmologists are medical specialists in diagnosing and treat diseases and conditions of the eyes

Gastroenterology, digestive disorders, and medical malpractice

Gastroenterology, digestive disorders, and medical malpractice

Gastroenterologists diagnose and treat digestive problems from the esophagus to the anus, and lots of important organs in between

Nephrologists, kidney/renal disease, and medical malpractice

Nephrologists, kidney/renal disease, and medical malpractice

Kidneys play a critical role in filtering blood

Vital signs: Measurement, baseline and medical malpractice

Vital signs: Measurement, baseline and medical malpractice

A patient with abnormal vital signs shouldn't be discharged without physician evaluation and clearance

Coumadin (warfarin) prescription, management, and medical malpractice

Coumadin (warfarin) prescription, management, and medical malpractice

Many consider Coumadin a "wonder drug," but it must be carefully managed or it can become dangerous

Diabetes, bedsores, and medical malpractice

Diabetes, bedsores, and medical malpractice

Diabetics have a higher risk than non-diabetics for developing bedsores

The most common types of pediatrician medical malpractice

The most common types of pediatrician medical malpractice

Misdiagnosis of meningitis and appendicitis top the list

Study uncovers the most common types of surgical medical malpractice

Study uncovers the most common types of surgical medical malpractice

General surgery, orthopedic surgery, and neurosurgery specialties top the list

What you should know about home health nursing and malpractice

What you should know about home health nursing and malpractice

Online companies sell "start your own home health agency" turnkey documents that leave patient safety to fall through the cracks