647 Posts

Patient safety

Nurses need to speak up when it's too early to discharge a patient safely

Nurses need to speak up when it's too early to discharge a patient safely

Nurses are highly-trained health care providers who owe a duty to their patients to exercise independent judgment and advocacy

Study uncovers the most common diagnostic errors by radiologists

Study uncovers the most common diagnostic errors by radiologists

Radiology errors frequently cause diagnosis and treatment delays, and tragic patient outcomes

Doctor prescribes wrong dose of ADHD drug, causes death of grade-school child

Doctor prescribes wrong dose of ADHD drug, causes death of grade-school child

It's dangerous for patients when physicians don't read or follow drug maker dosage guidelines

The risks and dangers of low potassium level hypokalemia

The risks and dangers of low potassium level hypokalemia

Undiagnosed, untreated hypokalemia can lead to respiratory & heart problems, & even death

Brain swelling, increased pressure can cause deadly brain herniation

Brain swelling, increased pressure can cause deadly brain herniation

People who've had recent head trauma or brain surgery have a higher risk

Bariatric weight loss surgery malnutrition can cause brain damage, Wernicke’s encephalopathy

Bariatric weight loss surgery malnutrition can cause brain damage, Wernicke’s encephalopathy

Surgeons and physicians should beware of the potential for devastating thiamine/Vitamin B1 deficiency in bariatric patients

Study: Stomach cancer rate is on the rise and affecting younger people

Study: Stomach cancer rate is on the rise and affecting younger people

Learn the signs and symptoms of stomach/gastric cancer that everyone should know

2020 National Patient Safety Goals highlight ongoing problems in hospital care

2020 National Patient Safety Goals highlight ongoing problems in hospital care

Identifying the correct patient and surgical site, and prompt communications top The Joint Commission's annual list

It's dangerous for doctors and nurses to ignore a patient's sudden change in behavior

It's dangerous for doctors and nurses to ignore a patient's sudden change in behavior

Altered mental status is often the first sign of a serious problem

Primary care doctor, pharmacy medication error leaves patient with Stevens-Johnson Syndrome

Primary care doctor, pharmacy medication error leaves patient with Stevens-Johnson Syndrome

Simple precautions could have avoided this painful outcome